VSS over VPN - slow
(too old to reply)
Donald C.E. Robinson
2003-07-07 19:09:32 UTC
We have a number of projects in DevStudio and .Net.
We use combinations of VSS 6.0c and 6.0d running on NT/2000/XP.

We have a number of remote users who communicate with the VSS databases on
our office LAN, using VPN over public ADSL. For most, this is painfully
slow. I'd like to hear of any experiences or solutions that others may have,
to make remote access workable.

Apologies for cross-posts.
Donald C.E. Robinson
Sr. Systems Ecologist, Forestry Team
ESSA Technologies Ltd
Vancouver, Canada
+1 (604) 535 1997
2003-07-08 12:41:44 UTC
How do you define "painfully slow"?

I am part of a development team that uses VSS over VPN exclusively (there is
no office, only a server at a co-location facility). I and my co-workers
use a variety of DSL and Cable providers and the performance is

One thing to be careful of: since VSS in fileshare-based, your anti-virus
software may be trying to scan for viruses on every access of a file in VSS.
For myself, Norton auto-protect made things about 5x slower than usual
because of the large number of files accessed by the VSS client.
Post by Donald C.E. Robinson
We have a number of projects in DevStudio and .Net.
We use combinations of VSS 6.0c and 6.0d running on NT/2000/XP.
We have a number of remote users who communicate with the VSS databases on
our office LAN, using VPN over public ADSL. For most, this is painfully
slow. I'd like to hear of any experiences or solutions that others may have,
to make remote access workable.
Apologies for cross-posts.
Donald C.E. Robinson
Sr. Systems Ecologist, Forestry Team
ESSA Technologies Ltd
Vancouver, Canada
+1 (604) 535 1997
Patrick Grier
2003-08-20 22:04:12 UTC
Use a real Source Control package like Clear Case
And here are some other tips from Microsoft on running with relatively
connections (which to VSS is anything less than 10Mbps, it seems)
Post by
How do you define "painfully slow"?
I am part of a development team that uses VSS over VPN exclusively
Post by
no office, only a server at a co-location facility). I and my co-workers
use a variety of DSL and Cable providers and the performance is
One thing to be careful of: since VSS in fileshare-based, your anti-virus
software may be trying to scan for viruses on every access of a file in
Post by
For myself, Norton auto-protect made things about 5x slower than usual
because of the large number of files accessed by the VSS client.
Post by Donald C.E. Robinson
We have a number of projects in DevStudio and .Net.
We use combinations of VSS 6.0c and 6.0d running on NT/2000/XP.
We have a number of remote users who communicate with the VSS
Post by
Post by Donald C.E. Robinson
our office LAN, using VPN over public ADSL. For most, this is painfully
slow. I'd like to hear of any experiences or solutions that others may
Post by Donald C.E. Robinson
to make remote access workable.
Apologies for cross-posts.
Donald C.E. Robinson
Sr. Systems Ecologist, Forestry Team
ESSA Technologies Ltd
Vancouver, Canada
+1 (604) 535 1997
2016-04-20 15:37:49 UTC
Turning off the anti-virus made a day and night difference for me.