Open from Source Control
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Andrew Raastad
2009-05-27 18:46:17 UTC
We're running Windows Vista and Visual Studio 2008 on our dev boxes here. We
just installed Visual SourceSafe 2005 so we can have some version control
between us, but we seem to be having a wee little bit of a snag with VSS...

I found the following article about using VSS with VS2k8:

I have downloaded and installed the CTP patch, and VSS seems to function
great, but with one small (but major) snag.... there is no "Open From Source
Control" option. If I attempt to open a website then I get the Open Dialog
with the Source Control button. But if I open a project it is just the
normal Windows File-Open dialog without any reference to source control

I have also tried going into the Tools-->Options-->Source Control, digging
around in there, but I see nothing about opening from Source Control.

I have manually registered the DLL as mentioned in the article above, but
with no effect to the Open option.

I have, yes, done a reboot... but this did not fix the issue either.

Does anyone know how to fix/resolve this issue? Or, a work around so that
one machine can open a project that was imported to VSS by another?

Appreciate any help, thanks!

-- Andrew
Catherine Sea via DotNetMonster.com
2009-06-02 03:17:47 UTC
Did you select Visual SourceSafe as the current source control at "Tools--
Options-->Source Control"? Technically, after you install VSS properly,
select VSS as the current source control in Visual Studio, you will find
"Open from Source Control" at "File -> Source Control".

Catherine Sea
[URL="http://www.dynamsoft.com"]www.dynamsoft.com[/URL] – the leading
developer of [URL="
control[/URL] and issue tracking software.

Message posted via DotNetMonster.com